Thank you, Chris. I went to YouTube to watch the back-and-forth about health boxes. Thankfully, Cameron Kroetsch came through again and said the word "death" and had staff clarify diseases and conditions that can be caused by non-sterile equipment. I think every advocate should stop saying "harm reduction" which is an unnecessarily soft term for what they mean. And Cameron was correct about politicization of this topic practiced by the councillors of Wards 7 and 8 (and later 9 though I stopped watching). Really appreciate this newsletter and agree with Susan Suter about you running :)

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Dear Sewer Socialist, is there any hope that you might possibly reside in Ward 4? It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider running for Ward 4 School Trustee.

I choke at the real possibility of having a former trustee, the same one that very publicly denied any knowledge of the holocaust, being permitted to hold this office again.

I don’t know why I’m beating around the bush; this former school board trustee has a name, Ms. Alex Johnstone. Lest we forget.

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