I’m Chris Erl, a Hamilton-based researcher, writer, and political activist. I’ve been working on issues relating to local politics, urban planning, place, schooling, housing, and a whole array of fun and interesting issues we face in Hamilton, in Ontario, and in our contemporary world. And this seems like a great place to share all that.

Local politics can be confusing, but I luckily have a PhD in it, so I’m here to make it more confusing simplify all the complex things that characterize local government.

The Sewer Socialists is for you if you want a critical, progressive, ecologically-focused look at civic affairs, the big issues in planning, and a unique take on the issues we all face.

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#HamOnt forever • SSHRC Postdoctoral fellow @ TMU • Relentlessly advancing the gay agenda 🏳️‍🌈 • He/Him • McMaster + TMU + McGill alum.